Posts Tagged ‘hawaiian’

“Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.”

July 4, 2012

These were the waves at Sandy Beach Park in Oahu, Hawaii (aka break-neck beach). Apparently there are more injuries here each year than any other beach in Hawaii. The waves were really rather high even just a few feet out at the shore break. Needless to say I remained on the safety of the beach. ;)

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Aloha Hawaii

July 2, 2012

We have just returned from Hawaii on honeymoon but this is an iPhone shot as we were coming in to land in Oahu. An absolutely beautiful part of the world and although I may be back home in Blighty my heart remains in Hawaii (along with my sleeping pattern.. jet lag is a real pain!).

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June 19, 2012

While driving along the Kahekili Highway in Maui, Hawaii we encountered lots of native Hawaiian street sellers selling fruits and home made banana bread.

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Miles and miles

June 19, 2012

This is the view from the Kahekili Highway in Maui, Hawaii on an overcast Sunday afternoon.  The highway is miles and miles of extremely windy roads with beautiful vistas to stop at every couple of minutes.  Shot in Maui, Hawaii, USA.

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June 18, 2012

A shot was taken on the winding Kahekili Highway in Maui, Hawaii.  After seeing a number of rocks in the road we decided to put the roof up on our car.

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Maui Buddha

June 17, 2012

A shot of the 12 feet, 3.5 tonne Buhha at the Lahaina Jodo Mission in Maui, Hawaii.

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June 15, 2012

This was more than enough to keep me out of the ocean but a little further down the beach there seemed to be plenty of people more than happy to ignore the warnings and enjoy the warm water. Crazy!

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Valley of the temples

June 14, 2012

This is the Byodo-In temple in the Valley of the Temples in Oahu, Hawaii.

The Byodo-In Temple is a replica of a 900-year-old Buddhist place of worship at Uji in Kyoto prefecture of Japan. It is a completely serene and beautiful location and I’m really pleased we had an opportunity to see it for ourselves.

The mountains were incredibly misty and as we drove up the mountain the weather completely changed. Back on the other side of the island the weather remained beautifully sunny.

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Oahu view

June 14, 2012

This is a shot overlooking the beautiful Hawaiian island of Oahu taken from Diamond Head. Shot in Oahu, Hawaii.

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Hawaii 5-0 HQ

June 14, 2012

A quick shot for the Hawaii 5-0 fans (new seasons).  You should recognise this building from the opening credits with the statue of Kamehameha the Great.  In the TV show this building is used as the 5-0 HQ.

Shot in Downtown Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii.

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