
June 26, 2011

A mono shot of a Volkswagen Beetle at Dubbing in Dorset 2011, Wareham, Dorset, UK.

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About the author

UK based photographer Mark J P.

  • Ben Legg

    Love your photo! Its of my bug “Herbie!” Great pic!!

    • Mark J P

      Thanks Ben, it’s a really great looking Beetle.  Certainly one of the best at the show and that I’ve seen in general. :)

  • Ben Legg

    thanks! he’s my little pride and joy!! It was a great day, and herbie even came third! A few of us convoyed up from plymouth / exeter for the day, and the weather was just perfect!! It was one of those days that you look back on and think “what a brilliant day!” if you know what i mean??? :o )