Posts Tagged ‘night time’


March 24, 2012

This is the Twin Sails bridge in Poole, Dorset, UK.  It was due to open a few weeks ago but due to some unexpected complications it has been delayed indefinitely.

It is lit up at night time and looks pretty interesting from across the water.

(FYI I discovered this evening that all of the lights on the bridge automatically switch off at 12am, having arrived only five minutes before).

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Ocean of noise

March 2, 2012

You may or may not be able to tell but this is a shot of the new Twin Sails bridge which has recently been completed is due to open in the coming days in Poole, Dorset. It looks pretty impressive at night and can be seen from miles around.

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“Night is the mother of thoughts”

February 8, 2012

A night time shot of Bournemouth town centre taken a few weeks ago in Dorset, UK.  I find town and city centres feel completely different once the sun goes down and the street lights come on.

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Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground

January 21, 2012

A night time bokeh shot of the lights sitting on the distant horizon. Taken in Poole, Dorset, UK.

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January 8, 2012

An long exposure evening shot of the distant buildings reflecting on the still lake, taken in Poole Park, Dorset, UK.

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11/11/11 – An early Christmas for numerologists

November 17, 2011

Here are a couple of night time shot taken recently in Poole, Dorset to mark the 11th November 2011.  I had originally hoped to venture outside during the daytime to capture some shots but in the end had to find my inspiration after dark.

It was pretty much impossible to avoid the fact that the date could be expressed as 11/11/11 recently, with numerologists crawling out of the woodwork everywhere you looked, while getting incredibly excited at the prospect of this once in a century event (these events seem to happen far more regularly than the excitement they generate would suggest).

There was even a Flickr group created especially for the occasion, as well as numerous other sites set-up to encourage people to document the day and I decided that I wasn’t going to miss a good opportunity to create some photographs.  I was quietly considering the options available to me when I suddenly remembered seeing these lights embedded into the pavement back during the summer but was unsure at the time how to make an interesting shot with them. Fortunately 11/11/11 gave me the perfect opportunity to return for another attempt.

I don’t really need much of an excuse to take a photograph, even if I am a little dubious at times about the significance of the event in question!

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Bonfire night and the iPhone 4S

November 6, 2011

So last night we went along to see some fireworks at a local display and the venue we had chosen also had a fun fair with a bunch of rides featuring lots of neon lights and motion.  It had been raining quite heavily when we left the house and I hadn’t taken my ‘proper‘ camera with me.  So I nonchalantly took out my iPhone 4S and snapped a few impromptu images shortly after we arrived.  When I got home I was pleasantly surprised with the result of one of the shots in particular.

I think what is really incredible is that the iPhone camera (and lots of other mobile phones I’m sure) have the potential to capture such decent quality shots in less than ideal conditions.  It’s wonderful to have such a capable camera in my pocket with me everywhere I go and from now on I’m going to make a more concerted effort to use it.  I think Chase Jarvis may have actually been onto something when he said that The Best Camera is the One That’s with You.

This has really made me reconsider how I think about my iPhone camera in relation to my Canon DSLR.  I guess at the end of the day all that matters is making the shot, everything else is kind of irrelevant.

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September 13, 2011

A night time shot of a pop-corn street vendor in Lagos, Portugal.

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