Posts Tagged ‘bournemouth’


March 5, 2012

All of the meteor talk in the news recently has reminded me that I saw one last March while driving home from work.  I had just enough time to grab my camera and press the shutter button before it disappeared.

The photo isn’t great but it is straight out of the the camera and here is a slightly closer look:

Metero close up

I had never seen anything quite like it before in my life and haven’t seen anything similar since.

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This is Bournemouth

February 26, 2012

A shot taken earlier today overlooking Bournemouth beach, Dorset UK.

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“Night is the mother of thoughts”

February 8, 2012

A night time shot of Bournemouth town centre taken a few weeks ago in Dorset, UK.  I find town and city centres feel completely different once the sun goes down and the street lights come on.

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The day has eyes, the night has ears

January 23, 2012

A shot of Bournemouth town centre after dark.  The large balloon is the Bournemouth Eye, which is a helium balloon that can carry up to 30 passengers and despite having lived locally all of my life I have never actually been on it. Taken in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.

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Classic Cars on the Prom in Bournemouth

January 1, 2012

Today was Classic Cars on the Prom in Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.  Shortly after I arrived it started to rain cats and dogs so I didn’t hang around for very long unfortunately.  There were lots of lovely old cars so I maged to get a couple of shots despite the dreary weather.

Classic cars have such character, they are just screaming out to be photographed.

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December 10, 2011

This is the Bournemouth Carnival Band and you will often see them performing around the town centre, usually raising money for charity (as they were today).

I have seen them numerous times and it always brings a smile to my face to see thirty or so band members in full Spiderman costumes. Not only do they look great but they sound good too! ;)

Fortunately I had my camera handy today and was able to grab a couple of shots.


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I’m in a world of my own

December 10, 2011

Jet skiers enjoying the water by Bournemouth Pier.

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Nice to have

December 10, 2011

A neon sign shot taken in Bournemouth Gardens, Dorset, UK.

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Bonfire night and the iPhone 4S

November 6, 2011

So last night we went along to see some fireworks at a local display and the venue we had chosen also had a fun fair with a bunch of rides featuring lots of neon lights and motion.  It had been raining quite heavily when we left the house and I hadn’t taken my ‘proper‘ camera with me.  So I nonchalantly took out my iPhone 4S and snapped a few impromptu images shortly after we arrived.  When I got home I was pleasantly surprised with the result of one of the shots in particular.

I think what is really incredible is that the iPhone camera (and lots of other mobile phones I’m sure) have the potential to capture such decent quality shots in less than ideal conditions.  It’s wonderful to have such a capable camera in my pocket with me everywhere I go and from now on I’m going to make a more concerted effort to use it.  I think Chase Jarvis may have actually been onto something when he said that The Best Camera is the One That’s with You.

This has really made me reconsider how I think about my iPhone camera in relation to my Canon DSLR.  I guess at the end of the day all that matters is making the shot, everything else is kind of irrelevant.

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Bournemouth Kite Festival 2011

September 19, 2011

Some shots taken during a much needed sunny spell at Bournemouth Kite Festival 2011.  The weather was terrible for most of the day but there was a brief sunny period late in the afternoon at which point I decided to pop down for a few shots.

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The Bournemouth Kite Festival 2011 took place on Sunday 18th September at Hengistbury Head, Bournemouth, Dorset, UK.


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