**I do currently have some spare Google+ invites so if you’d like one just drop me a message on Twitter or leave a comment below and I’ll send you one.**
So I’ve been using Google+ for a few weeks now after receiving an invite from a friend and I have to say that I think it has some real potential from a photography perspective, especially with the rebranding and integration of Picasa as Google Photos in the coming weeks.
I won’t spend time describing the numerous features of Google+ as there is already a huge amount of articles online about just that, but if you are already using it then why not add me.
The URL above is provided by gplus.to and provides Google+ users with a more memorable URL as the standard URLs are not easily remembered. For example mine is https://plus.google.com/u/0/110511685769077130162/.
I think that Google+ certainly needs some refinement, they need native vanity URLs and more options regarding the way your circles display updates. I personally do not like the fact that posts I have commented on belonging to other users bubble to the top of the circles (a circle is just like a twitter stream) as this means I can miss newer content that may have less comments, but I’m sure this option is something that Google can provide as they refine the product. Let’s not forget that at this stage it is officially still in beta.
I don’t use Facebook as there is something is something I’m just not comfortable with about it, so I think it’s great to see viable alternatives and who better to take on the Facebook juggernaut than Google? Let’s just hope that Google have learnt some important lessons from their previous unsuccessful forays into social media. From what I have seen so far it looks encouraging.