
June 26, 2011

A red Volkswagen Beetle at Dubbing in Dorset 2011, Wareham, Dorset, UK.

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June 26, 2011

A shot of golden light being reflected onto the wheel of a Volkswagen van at Dubbing in Dorset 2011, Wareham, Dorset, UK.

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June 26, 2011

A mono shot of a Volkswagen Beetle at Dubbing in Dorset 2011, Wareham, Dorset, UK.

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June 26, 2011

A pink Volkswagen Beetle reflected in the wheel of another Beetle at Dubbing in Dorset 2011, Wareham, Dorset, UK.

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Love bug

June 24, 2011

An old but well looked after baby blue Volkswagen Beetle spotted in a car park in Hampshire, UK.

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Start-up aims to revolutionise photography

June 22, 2011

Silicon Valley start-up Lytro are currently working on a new type of consumer grade camera built using light field sensor technology. I must confess that I previously knew absolutely nothing about light field technology but a quick glance at Wikipedia tells me that it essentially allows (in this case) a camera to capture a photograph with information about the amount of light travelling in every direction through every point in space.

What does this mean to us as photographers? Well according to Lytro one of the main selling points will be that it will allow the photographer as well as users viewing the photograph at a later stage to adjust the focus point. It will also allow images to be displayed in 3D as well as 2D, also as this camera will be more heavily influenced by software rather than hardware it has the potential to allow radical changes when it comes to low light photography and camera/lens design compared to the traditional forms of photography that we all know and love.

Here are a few example shots, including the obligatory cat shot (there are lots more example on Lytro’s website). Click on the image to change the focus point:

You would certainly be forgiven for thinking that this is some kind of elaborate April Fool prank but from what I can gather so far this is in-fact a real camera.

I must admit that I do have some reservations about it at this stage, perhaps from a photographic purity perspective. It sounds like it will allow the photographer to be lazy and simply take a shot then worry about the composition and focus during the post processing, which strikes me as a negative thing. I guess we will have to wait and see but putting my fears for the craft aside I am always excited by new gadgets and developments in the industry and I can’t wait to get my hands on one to try it out for myself.

Lytro Picture Revolution

Source engadget.

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June 22, 2011

Kite surfers in Poole Harbour, Sandbanks, Dorset, UK.

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June 20, 2011

Floating umbrellas in Las Vegas, Nevada, US.

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Missed opportunity

June 17, 2011

Trafalgar Square in London used to be famous for it’s many tens of thousands of feral pigeons but due to the costs associated with cleaning up after them and concerns about hygiene and potential damage to local monuments the Greater London Authority turned to using trained falcons as a form of pest control. Hardly any pigeons remain in Trafalgar square but you can often see handlers with the falcons, which are perhaps even more photogenic than the pigeons.

In the shot above the photographer is doing his very best to capture a photograph of a falcon perched on a lamppost ten or so feet away just off camera to the right of the frame.  The photographer spent such a long time with his eye pressed against the viewfinder in an attempt the get the best possible shot than he failed to spot the falcon that had landed just a few feet away from him in a prime spot waiting to be photographed.

I took this shot because it was an amusing spectacle but it got me thinking about what we could be missing when we focus all of our attention intently on a subject.  I guess it’s worth looking up from the camera every once in a while to see what’s unfolding around us as we could be missing a great opportunity!  There may not always be a large bird of prey sitting just a few feet away posing for a photo but there may be something unexpected and equally as exciting just waiting to be discovered.

I don’t know how this ended up but I really hope the unidentified photographer managed to get the shot he wanted.

Here are a couple of shots I was able to take:

Happy shooting.

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June 16, 2011
Coloured bicycles advertising Dishoom restaurant photographed near Covent Garden in London, UK.

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