
June 8, 2011

A red phonebox with a splash of post processing for a slightly unusual look.

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Space shuttle Endeavour final mission

June 5, 2011

There are currently some absolutely incredible photos of space shuttle Endeavour’s final mision which touched down in Florida on June 1st over on The Atlantic’s website including the spectacular self portrait pictured above.

Generally speaking I find some of the most compelling photographs to be of the places I have never been as well as getting to seeing something a little bit out of the ordinary,  photographs taken from space must surely be the ultimate examples of this.

Here is a small selection of images from the mission.

All images © NASA

You can see the full set 30+ stunning photographs on The Atlantic website.

Happy shooting!

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Trading fear for photos

June 5, 2011

Reuters photojournalist Pak Bea was onboard a flight from Singapore to Jakarta with his family when one of the planes engines exploded.

In the face of adversity and unsure what was about to happen he picked up his camera and instead of becoming hysterical started to take shots of the situation unfolding around him.  Fortunately the plane went on the land safely but by all accounts it was an extremely terrifying situation for all of the passengers onboard the plane.

I find it incredible that given the enormity of the situation and being with his wife and children this photographer had the presence of mind to take photographs of the situation. I guess the years spent working as a photojournalist had fine tuned his instincts. I’m not sure photographing the planes descent would have been my top priority if I’m honest but it certainly makes an absolutely fascinating story.

All images © Pak Bea\Reuters

You can see the shots and read the full story on the Reuters blog.


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On the ball

June 4, 2011

A shot of a deer that I took this weekend on Arne nature reserve in Dorset, UK. 

View this image on Flickr

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Adding blog to empire avenue

June 4, 2011


Firstly please ignore the ID at the top of this post. I am adding my blog to Empire Avenue as it’s supposed to help with promotion and I thought I would give it a go. Part of the process involves adding this ID to my blog post, so please ignore it!

I don’t know a great deal about Empire Avenue but it is a social media game and seems (from what I have seen so far at least) to be a good way of promoting your content to relevant users.  Time will tell I guess!

If you are interested you can find me on Empire Avenue at:

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The watcher

June 3, 2011
A shot of a seagull sitting watch on top of some beachhuts taken in Sandbanks, Poole in the UK.
View this image on Flickr

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June 3, 2011
A sunset shot featuring a lonely tree taken in Bere Regis, Dorset, UK.

View this image on Flickr

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Lightning bolt a little too close for comfort for photographers

May 26, 2011

When I initially saw this video of a photographer’s near miss with lightning I was absolutely shocked.

Admittedly it resulted in a spectacular photo and fortunately everyone was okay on this occasion but I would seriously have to think twice before choosing to stand quite so close to the action in future.

Video of the moment this was taken can be viewed below:

This is one incredibly fortunate photographer. Wow.

Be safe!

Image © William Nguyen Phuoc

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Canine Persecution Paranoia

May 26, 2011

I came across a blog belonging to Ryan Bradford  who currently works as a mailman in San Diego.  He currently has a wonderful (not to mention rather amusing, from the viewer’s perspective at least) post on his blog entitled All the Dogs Want to Kill Me and as the title suggests it consists of a series of pictures of his various canine adversaries while doing his rounds.

The pictures were all shot using a disposable 400 ISO, 35mm film camera.

All images © Ryan Bradford

You can see all of these photos and more in full size photos over on Ryan’s blog post here.

Happy shooting!

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Battle At F-Stop Ridge

May 19, 2011
Battle At F-Stop Ridge

© The Camera Store

I saw this superb viral video earlier today and simply had to share it.

According to an article on the Huffington Post:

Battle at F-Stop Ridge, a promotional video for The Camera Store, a 32-employee photography shop in Calgary, features eight employees in a field battling it out with tripods, cameras, lenses and a hand grenade (or, in this case, a flash).

Jordan Drake, who runs The Camera Store’s video department, told The Huffington Post that the video took two days to produce and only one day to shoot. He spent about seven hours editing it.

You can read the article in full on the Huffington Post web site.

The video is certainly over the top but as far as I’m concerned that’s a good thing!


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